How To Motivate People In 7 Simple Ways

How do you feel when you’re inspired and motivated? Great feeling right? How about YOU being that person who inspires and motivates people? How will that make you feel? Do you want to learn how to easily motivate people?

I hear these questions all the time “ But how can I do that? I’m just a normal person! Who will I inspire? Who will look at me? “ Well how about your family? Your friends. People around you. You can be a great model for your children. You can motivate them to become the best in what they do and live the life they dream of.

My friend’s daughter had to write an essay at school this year about a role model in her life. I wasn’t surprised to see so many children writing about their parents. How amazing is to hear your kid say “ My mom and dad are my role model in life. They support and encourage me to stand up for what I believe in and follow my dreams”

You can be an inspiration to everyone around you!

Be the one people look up to !

You can’t teach people things that you don’t do. Let me say it like this…you can’t make someone healthy as long as you’re sick! In order to inspire and motivate people around, you need to become what you say.

You can’t teach someone to think positive if you’re negative all that time can you?  People like and look up at those who are a lovely, fun and positive person to be around.

Say the right words

Words have an enormous impact on people lives. I had a boss a few years ago which had a very bad idea for motivating people. She used to say to us at every meeting  “ I want you to eat your liver for this project !”

In her mind she thought she’s motivating us to work hard for that project and do our best. But the words were awful! Every time I heard her say those words I was disgusted. And I was like “What? You want us to ruin our health for this project?! No way!”

Do you think we were motivated? Not a chance! It would have been more productive if instead of those bad words she would have said “I have faith in you so let’s finish this project and make our team the best !”

This way you show people you trust them to do the job. You make them feel they are part of a team and you motivate them! Who wouldn’t want to be in the best team? So choose your words carefully because they can make a lot of difference.

Positive environment

How do you feel when you’re in a creative and harmonious place? Creating that healthy environment is necessary.

At home, at work… you must have it. How about a motivating wall? I once was at this company and everywhere you looked you could see “ Think Positive” written in white on black paper.

Now, I do agree that white on black has a big impact in some cases but in this one was a negative one. How about “Think Positive”  with a bright, full of energy color and some cool images to get you in that positive mood? Or a funny but motivational image. It sure makes a difference. So at home or at office, for you, your family or for who ever you want, you can create a motivational space.

Challenge people

You can’t bring out the best in people by doing nothing right? Make people take action. Set goals and give awards if you can. Don’t lie, if you make a promise, keep it.  Would you trust someone who says something and does the opposite?

Be open and friendly

Listen what people have to say and treat them with respect. I’m not saying to be friends with everybody but don’t shut the door in the face if someone has a suggestion or wants to say something. Your kid, your friend, a coworker, one of your employees…listen what it has to say.

Think positive

Positive thinking doesn’t mean ignoring reality and problems. It’s just a better way of managing them in a healthier and productive way.

Attitude is everything

The way you react to situations in your life and the choices you make every day can have a big difference on your life.

Look, I know you hear this a lot but just think for a moment. A negative attitude can easily bring you down. Truth is… a great attitude is a skill you should work on every day. Attitude is an effective tool in reaching your goals. Don’t let negativity ruin your life.
The result of your actions is the way you react to them!

There are many ways to motivate and inspire others and I would love to hear your opinion on this subject so don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

Keep Your Body Healthy And Enjoy Life

Keep your body healthy! It’s your home where you have to live in.

Today, people are so busy running from one place to another, having stressful days, sitting for hours at the desk, grabbing something to eat on their way and ignoring the most important thing. Health! Take care of your body every single day.

You have this body to live in for the rest of your life so you better keep it healthy. If you are healthy you can do everything you want. Think of it this way…imagine your body as a crystal ball. Once it has a scratch, a crack or it’s broken there’s no way back!

An unhealthy body has limited actions. Sure, our body is an amazing thing and can heal itself. Like a small injury.

But, if you don’t pay attention to that injury it may develop into a serious problem that your body won’t be able to heal by itself. And even if it does you may remain with problems for the rest of your life.

“God gave me a great body and it’s my duty to take care of my physical temple” – Jean-Claude Van Damme

This is one of my favorite quotes …and you know why? Because Van Damme is right. You have this body you live in and it’s up to you to take care of it. And exercising it’s a good way to do it.

Want to know how exercise can make you better, happier and healthier? Keep reading and you’ll find out.

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Every Day Is An Opportunity To A Fresh Start. Never give up !

There are days when you just feel like giving up. Days when you feel like nothing is working right. Days when you can’t find a way, you get lost and lose hope that things will get better.

Days when the pain is so hard to take that you just can’t even stay on your feet. You just want to run away as far and as fast as you can or you feel you want to give up on everything. Don’t ! Don’t ever let go! Never give up!

You feel like you can’t do it anymore but you can! You didn’t come here  to give up! You came here to live and do something with your life.

Life is not always pink! It’s not easy and sometimes it’s not even fair!

Maybe it’s your stressful job, you worked so much but you have nothing in return. Maybe it’s your partner, your children, some kind of illness you are fighting with or you are suffering from the loss of someone dear. Or maybe you just want that hand to hold on.

There can be so much emotional pain in someone’s life that they feel overwhelmed and think of giving up.

Do you really want to give up? To be defeated and just throw everything away? Life is a gift given to you so you need to hold on to it!

There are people in this world who are living and enjoying life as much as they can. People who are happy and successful and you…YOU can be one of those people!

Life is short so don’t give up just because you are afraid to try. Don’t dwell on past failures. Learn from your past and your mistakes.

Sometimes there are moments when you are down and nobody notices. Some people are indifferent. Some don’t realize or care. Don’t think of them…you have all you need to move on.  With time you will find good friends who will stay by your side.

Each day is a chance!…an opportunity to a fresh start ! So pick yourself up because you didn’t come here to give up! You try, you fail, you try again! And when you hit bottom…the only way is UP! So stay strong and live your life to the fullest. Never give up!

Get out in the world, do what you love, screw up, try again, screw up again, don’t let go, don’t give up, try again and succeed! Live and love each and every moment of your life!

Check out this article for more inspiration
How To Be Happy And Enjoy Life The Easy Way

The Sun Always Comes Up After The Storm

You know how the sun always comes up after the storm? That moment when the sky clears up and you get to see that clear blue sky.

When the atmosphere feels cleaner than ever and the sun shines? Same thing happens in our life. After the storm comes the sunshine. No matter how big the storm, it never lasts forever. So hang on!

It rained every day for three weeks. It was cold, dark, stormy and sunny days seemed so far away. But today, the sun is shining and it’s a wonderful sunny day with a gorgeous blue sky! What am I saying here? Well just something that we always forget.

Life it’s a lot like the weather.

There is rain, thunder and lightning in each person’s life. No matter how cloudy it gets, never lose hope! The storm won’t last forever! The sun will shine again and a better day will come your way.

Just like nature, life sometimes gives you rainy days, storms even tornadoes.

Sometimes we bring rainy days in our life through the bad decisions that we make and sometimes the rain just comes without us doing anything. But… after the storm always comes the sun.

Maybe there are just some usual rainy days in your life or maybe you’re going through a big storm that turns everything upside down, gets you depressed, you lose hope and you feel like giving up.

DON’T! Don’t ever give up! Remember there’s always sunshine after the storm.

Learn how to manage these rainy days and storms. What do they teach you? Is there something you need to learn from the storm in your life? Are things really as bad as you think?

Even if it rains and you can’t see the sun and everything looks hopeless, be patient and don’t give up. The sun will shine again!

Keep in mind and never forget that whatever the weather may be, the sun is still there.

You can’t always see the sun, the moon or the stars but, you know they are always there. And the bad weather won’t last forever! Soon, sunny days will come. The same happens in our everyday life…no matter how bad it gets, keep your head up, don’t stop and never give up. Brighter days will come!

Trust that somehow things will work out.

It can’t be dark and cloudy forever! The sun will shine again and just imagine what a gorgeous day it will be!

Live, love and enjoy each moment. Cloudy, rainy or sunny…it’s part of your life. Learn the lessons and move on.

That Moment

Do you remember

  • That moment when you smile with every part of your body
  • When you just can’t take that smile off your face just because you feel so great!
  • When you remember a lovely moment from your childhood
  • When you feel happy and proud of what you accomplish
  • When you finally succeed
  • That moment when you watch the sunrise with a cup of tea in your hand thinking how great that day’s going to be?
  • When you’re just YOU! Doing things you like
  • That feeling when you walk barefoot through the grass full of dew on a lovely morning
  • That moment when you hear your favorite song while you’re walking on the street
  • When you see an old friend
  • When you’re playing with your kids
  • That moment when you’re playing with your pet
  • When after the storm the sun comes up
  • That moment when you fall in love
  • That moment when you’re holding his/her hand
  • That moment when you’re feeling larger than life and you’re having fun with your friends
  • That lovely moment when you’re doing something great and you’re thinking “I’ll remember this for the rest of my life!”

Today’s all about happy moments in your life. Make sure you have special moments in every day of your life!


How to grow a mango tree from seed

Lately I see people coming to my blog looking for a way to grow a mango tree because of my baby mango tree.

So this post is for those people wanting to grow an indoor mango tree. I have 3 mango trees 🙂 Two of them are 1 year old and the third one is 8 months old.

Here’s what I did 🙂

Ate the mango ( pick the ripest mango you can find ). Ok so now you will have a big seed left. What I did was a small cut with a knife in the husk ( around the side ) and carefully opened the husk with my fingers. You will have a big bean now.

If the bean looks healthy plant it in a pot with the hump side up and a little exposed like in the picture below.

My mango tree

All my three mango trees were first planted in tiny pots and later I put them in bigger pots. Plant them in good potting soil with plenty of sand. The pot size depends on how big you want the tree to be. Make sure it has a good drainage and keep the soil moist. Put it in a sunny place.

And that’s it! They grow pretty fast and it’s a joy to see them becoming lovely mango trees. In the winter season I keep them inside in a warm place with plenty of light and in summer I put them outside in full sun and they are very happy.

Mango is a delicious and healthy tropical fruit rich in antioxidants and vitamins, it’s good for immune system and releases stress.

With patience and care you can still get an indoor mango tree . The plant grows fairly quickly if cared for properly. In summer you can keep it in your yard or balcony and it will certainly be happy. Mango loves full sun!

Good luck growing mangoes!

Make time for the ones you love !

Life it’s a great gift and if we know how, we can make it great. But sometimes life takes us by surprise.

We don’t know for how long we’re going to be here or the ones around us. Life is crazy…today you are, tomorrow you’re not!

So make time for the ones you love. Treasure them! Try to tell them as often as you can what they mean to you. Spend time with your dear ones, your family, friends, your lovely pet.

Sometimes in our crazy life we might ignore them or forget the good times we spent together. Don’t do that…because those are the most important moments.

Life’s short! Try not to fight with them and even if you do try to solve the problem and enjoy the time spent together.

Sometimes life takes them away and you might not have the chance to tell them how much they mean to you. And there’s no turning back! Once they are gone, they are gone…so don’t ignore this. Make time to spend with them and say or show how much you love them.

Make each moment spent together great and get the most of it!

Drink Water

Yes WATER! That element that keeps you Healthy!
Today we usually end up drinking coffee and lots of soda and we forget the importance of water!
It’s not enough and not good to drink water when you’re thirsty because if you’re thirsty then you’re already dehydrated. Drinking enough water and staying hydrated it’s very important for your health. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty.

Your body depends on water and is estimated to be about 70 percent water. Every cell in your body needs water to live and be healthy !
How much water do you need to drink every day depends on many factors like your health, your weight, how active you are, what you eat, the climate where you are and many others. The more active you are the more water you’ll need. Drinking 8 glasses every day it’s easy to remember and it definitely can make a difference.

Here are a few reasons why you should drink water!

– It makes you healthy
– Combat stress
– Water transports oxygen to your cells
– Water increases your energy level
– It makes your heart and skin healthy
– Water keeps your brain and memory healthy
– Water serves as a lubricant – good for your joints
– Reduces daytime fatigue
– It’s essential for digestion
– Regulates body temperature
– Water helps prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections
– Water helps in the prevention of diseases
– Water can prevent headaches and muscle weakness
– Ensures a proper delivery of nutrients in the body
– It’s essential to the human body’s survival
– Water helps you eliminate toxins

Stay healthy…Drink Water !


Give yourself a day off

I love waking up in the morning breathing the fresh air, looking at the sunrise, planning the day and enjoying it.
Why do you need a day off?

Well…here are a few good reasons:

  • Get away from day to day activities
  • Get away from the stress of your job
  • Have some time just for you
  • Do something you love, something you like and enjoy
  • A day off gives you time to rest and it recharges your batteries
  • An opportunity to get away and meet new people, learn new things, and why not meet new opportunities
  • Spend time with your loved ones ( friends, family, pets…)
  • Relax
  • Do all the things you can’t do while you’re working
  • Come back feeling fresh and full of energy
  • Appreciate the good things around you
  • You deserve it !

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How To Be Happy And Enjoy Life The Easy Way

What is your favorite way to enjoy life? What is happiness to you? Seriously… how happy are you? Wouldn’t it be great if you could enjoy life more and live a happier life?

Imagine what it would be like to have more quality time in your life, to be happy and to actually feel that you are living. To live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it.

Sadly, today…many people have a stressful life. They lose themselves in those day to day activities and forget to live. I look at people every day and they seem to be too busy to enjoy life. Always wanting more, wishing and dreaming but, always postponing. Does this sound like you?

Some people think that they need lots of money to be happy and some don’t even know how to be happy. They are always searching for happiness in the wrong places. They don’t pay attention to the simple things in life that make them happy.

Sure, happiness means different things for different people but, what if you could bring more joy into your life through some simple steps?

Have you ever seen those people living in the countryside? Have you noticed how serene and peaceful they are? They might not have many things but they know how to enjoy the simple things in life. And you know what’s even crazier? Those simple things in life turn up to be the ones that we treasure the most.

So why not try?

If you’re looking to bring more happiness into your life, here are some simple and easy ways for you to be happy and enjoy life:


Think Positive

I’m sure you’ve heard this lots of times and you probably say it’s easier said than done. There are also people who get angry when you tell them to think positive and it’s OK! Their reaction is normal.

It’s not easy when you’re going through difficult situations and sometimes you don’t see anything positive in what you’re going through.

But here’s the thing…positive thinking doesn’t mean ignoring the reality or the problems in your life. What it does mean is YOU making a CHOICE to rise above the circumstances, to not let that situation bring you down and ruin your happiness and life.

When facing a difficult situation it’s hard to see or think that it could also bring something positive to you and sometimes only after a few months or even years you get to actually realize that there was a positive side.

So why not try? You have nothing to lose. It’s much better to be positive about things and life in general then not to be.

Look at the bright side of things and maintain a positive attitude.

If you’re angry, upset and negative about life you will never see the good things passing by. See the good part in everything you do, concentrate on the solution and not the problem. Don’t let one bad moment ruin your whole day!

Surround Yourself With Happiness

Isn’t it awesome when you’re sad or angry or just having a bad day and someone or a certain situation manages to make you smile, relax and forget about whatever made you sad? You instantly feel better!

Maintaining a healthy and positive environment should be a daily priority for you. This doesn’t mean you should be rude or ignore certain people. Just don’t let their negativity bring you down.

Negative people in your life and situations can make you feel unhappy and down. They can ruin your mood and drain your energy.

Find and surround yourself with happy, positive people who lift you up. People who make you laugh, inspire you, care for you and brighten your day.

Simple Things That Make You Happy

You don’t need big or expensive things to be happy. The simple things you do every day can fill your heart with so much joy. Like your child laugh, a walk in the park with your dog, taking dance lessons or going out with your friends.

Play with your kids. Make a snow man if it’s winter. Think you’re too old? Think again! Play with your pet. They always want to play and can bring you so much joy.

Why not visit new places, read a book ( it keeps your mind active ), join as a volunteer …it will make you feel great! Helping others and putting a smile on their face can fill your heart with so much joy.

Be Happy

Learn Something New

Don’t limit yourself! Keep your mind active. Learn new things all the time. Is there something you always wanted to learn? Something you like? For example gardening. Plants and flowers can bring you so much joy! Or maybe you like photography? Painting?

How about some dance lessons? Not only that you’ll learn new moves and improve your dancing but you’ll also make new friends. Find something that makes you happy and do it!

Give Yourself A Break!

Go away from all that’s stressful in your life. It’s ok to take a break once in a while. Take some time…just for you. Relax, listen some great music, see a sunrise or a sunset and smile!

Spend time with people you love and do things that you enjoy. Give yourself a few moments of peace and tranquility every day.

Be Happy Being YOU!

You will never find happiness somewhere else if you’re not happy with yourself! If you don’t love yourself and you’re not happy with who you are, how can you expect someone else to do it?

You keep on searching for happiness in so many places and in so many things but have you looked inside? That’s where true happiness is! Why not give it a chance? Check out this article I wrote on How To Be Confident And Love Yourself to find out more on how to be happy with who you are!

Do What You Love

OK, I know what you’re thinking. But, believe it or not…it’s true. If you can do in life what you like then, you’ll be happy. If you don’t like something don’t do it!

I know it’s hard and sometimes you have to do things that you don’t like. If this is your case, try to find something that you like in what you do. At least until you’ll be able to do what you like.

For example if you don’t like your job but you like your colleagues concentrate on this part till you find a better job.

Here is a thing you can do …ask yourself what do you like to do. What makes your heart happy and puts a big smile on your face? Make a list and try to do those things.

What you do every day matters! It can make you happy or unhappy. It’s your choice how it’s going to be.

Stop postponing your happiness. Stop waiting for the perfect day, perfect moment, perfect dress, car, money, house, for summer, for someone else to make you happy.

Learn to live in the moment. Start using these simple ways to enjoy life and be happy right now. Focus on the present moment and live life to the fullest.

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”  – Frederick Koenig