We’re social beings. And even those who love spending time alone have moments when they search for human interaction.
It’s in our nature.
All over the world people are using social distancing, isolation due to coronavirus for their own protection and others.
As the days and weeks of isolation go by so many people are freaking out. Social distancing can have a huge impact on your mental health.
Anxiety and depression can easily kick in.
If you’re having a hard time coping with social distancing or isolation, here are a few tips for you that will hopefully make things a little better.
Use Technology If You Have Access
While nothing is better than real life interaction and people always talk about keeping the balance between online and offline, now…technology might be for some the only way to see, hear, talk and connect with their loved ones.
So use it!
There are so many apps that allow you to interact with other people. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, TikTok … everyone is online these days.
Create groups, forums, watch movies together, share photos and stories or just simply talk!
Not only that you can see the people you love and talk with them but you can also use technology to learn and develop new hobbies that will keep you busy and stress free.
Learn to paint or take an online class in photography or whatever you like!

Create A Daily Routine And Stick With It
I personally try to follow and do the same things I did before as much as I can. For example I keep my workouts as they used to be except I don’t go to the gym anymore.
I know how important sport is for our mind and body so I work out at home. I improvise and adapt to what I have available around the house.
Even if it’s not easy and I sometimes get demotivated, I try to stick with it.
And I do that with all the other daily things.
I gave the example with the gym because I want you to understand how important exercising is. Especially now when so many people are staying inside for weeks, barely moving!
So take a piece of paper and a pencil and start writing down your daily routine.
Think of what you have available at the moment and what you can do. Check out this post for more ideas!
Before blogging I had forums that I administrated and the one thing I loved the most was seeing how people would help each other even if they never met in real life.
They were strangers but so willing and open to help others!
So many people could connect, share stories, knowledge and advice or just have a great time online.
You can find forums online that you can join on so many topics.
Poetry, sports, movies, computers and technology, nature, photography, mental health, fun, celebrities, music…anything you can think of!
Just yesterday I was reading a woman’s comment about how being on the forum kept her mind busy for a few hours and made her forget about the craziness happening around.
Plus forums and social media sites are doing so many cool challenges that you can participate no matter what age you are!
You’ll feel part of a community, have something to keep you busy and have some fun!

We Are All Together
Just because we have to stay away ( physically ) doesn’t mean we can’t keep in touch or help each other!
Reach out to others. Connect with your friends and family all the time.
And let’s not forget the people who are completely alone, the ones who are really old, sick or it’s impossible for them to move and so many are left without jobs and money… adding even more panic and worry to their lives.
Help if you can the ones that are in need!
Call your grandparents, a friend or a neighbor you know it’s alone and just talk. Just hearing the voice of someone can make so much difference into someone’s life!
Food, Water And Sleep
Stress and anxiety can have a huge impact on your body. It can cause a loss of appetite or an increase which might affect your health. Lack of sleep weakens your immune system and you don’t want that right now.
Make sure you are eating as healthy as you can, drink water and get some sleep. Your health is your priority!
Also make sure your family and the ones you love are also eating! And if you can, help the ones who don’t really have much to eat.
How About Some Games?
Now I don’t really play games anymore but I used to love it when I was younger and we were playing games together online. It was so much fun! And you could connect with so many people and even make some friends.
So even if you’re physically distant you can play some great games together and have some fun! Plus there are so many games you can choose from. Just google multiplayer games and pick what you like!
Connect With Yourself
Instead of letting all this situation bring you down why not see it as an opportunity to connect deeper with yourself?
Take this time to rest, recharge, get to know yourself more and give the love you deserve. Fall in love with yourself!
So many people are afraid of being alone because they’re afraid of being with their own thoughts. They are afraid of their own person.
Read this post to learn how to love yourself and be more confident.
Appreciate What You Have
You have a roof ever your head? Running water? Food? Your family and friends? Then be grateful for what you have and make the best of it!
If you want you can start keeping a journal and every day write the things you are grateful for having in your life. So many people don’t have these things.
Slow Down
Most of us are on a race every single day. Living the fast times and trying to do more than we can. Multitasking all the time only to end up drained of energy!
Now it’s the perfect time to slow down. Meditate, bring some well needed calmness and balance into your life!
Remember It Will Pass
I don’t know how it’s going to be after but the world has been through difficult times before and it survived.
Let this make us wiser and stronger!
A Word Of Caution – while we all are turning online these days it’s important to know that among all the awesome people you can meet online, just like in real life there are also bad people ready to take advantage of anyone not being careful!
So please be careful with who you are talking to and what you are doing online. Also if you have kids make sure you’re keeping them safe on the internet.